chemical cleaning all type of black money : +27738  - Please Contact Listing ID: 6763

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Listing Began: Sep 30-12:15
Number of Times Viewed: 257


Seller's Comments and Description:

chemical cleaning all type of black money : +27738239606 WORLD GREY LAB LTD is globally known to be well equipped and have the technical - know-how to clean anti breeze bank notes ( BLACK DOLLARS) with SSD Solution, Activation powder, mercury powder, Defaced currency and other SSD chemicals for Darkened currencies, Black dollars, Cleaning black money, SSD solution automatique, black dollar notes, black coated notes, Activating Powder cleaning Black money chemicals. Besides, All our SSD chemicals are sold with manual guides that provide instructions on how to use the SSD chemical to perform the black money cleaning for those that do not need our technicians assistant to clean black money.Black Money Cleaning Machine is also available for HUGE AMOUNTS. We are the major SSD solution manufacturers in Europe and Asia and SSD solution chemical suppliers World wide .We have in stock, SSD solution for sale and our SSD solution price to our customers is based on company rate.Hence, Our technicians are highly qualified and are always ready to handle the black money cleaning perfectly with ssd chemical.They also give tutorials on how to clean black dollars to some anti breeze customers online. Our SSD solution price is affordable and our SSD Chemical SSD solution in India is 100% pure. Dr ahmed Fayez Dr ahmed Fayez Tel: +27738239606 Fax: +27 866999474 -

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